Program & Presentations
Sunday, 3 September
8:30-9:15 Registration
9:15-9:30 Welcome and Opening
9:30-10:30 Keynote: Matt
Pharr, Neoptica
“Interactive Rendering in The Post-GPU Era”
(abstract) [ pdf ]
10:30-11:00 Coffee Break
11:00-12:15 Paper Session: Algorithms in Hardware (3
- B-KD Trees for Hardware Accelerated Ray Tracing of Dynamic
Scenes (best paper award) [ pdf ]
› Sven Woop (Saarland University)
› Gerd Marmitt (Saarland University)
› Philipp Slusallek (Saarland University)
- Efficient Video Decoding on GPUs by Point Based Rendering
[ pdf ]
› Bo Han (Peking University)
› Bingfeng Zhou (Peking University)
- Pseudorandom Number Generation on the GPU [ pdf, ppt ]
› Myles Sussman (PeakStream)
› William Crutchfield (PeakStream)
› Matthew Papakipos (PeakStream)
12:15-14:00 Lunch Break
14:00-15:45 Paper Session: Hardware Architecture (4 papers)
- The Visual Vulnerability Spectrum: Characterizing Architectural
Vulnerability for Graphics Hardware [ ppt ]
› Jeremy Sheaffer (University of Virginia)
› David Luebke (NVIDIA Research)
› Kevin Skadron (University of Virginia)
- A Digital Rights Enabled Graphics Processing System [ ppt ]
› Weidong Shi (Motorola Application Research Lab)
› Hsien-Hsin “Sean” Lee (Georgia Institute of
› Richard Myungon Yoo (Georgia Institute of
› Alexandra Boldyreva (Georgia Institute of Technology)
- Minimum Triangle Separation for Correct Z-Buffer Occlusion
[ pdf ]
› Kurt Akeley (Microsoft Research Asia)
› Jonathan Su (Microsoft Research Asia)
- Distributed Texture Memory in a Multi-GPU Environment
[ pdf ]
› Adam Moerschell (University of California, Davis)
› John D. Owens (University of California, Davis)
15:45-16:15 Coffee Break
16:15-16:45 Hot3D presentation 1
- High-Speed Distributed Rendering in the HoloVizio System
› Péter Tamás Kovács, Holografika
[ pdf, video ]
16:45-17:45 Free Time
17:45-23:00 Social Event
Monday, 4 September
9:00-10:00 Keynote: Peter-Pike Sloan, Microsoft (bio)
“Direct3D 10 And Beyond”
(abstract) [ ppt ]
10:00-10:30 Coffee Break
10:30-11:45 Paper Session: Compression (3 papers)
- High Quality Normal Map Compression [ pdf ]
› Jacob Munkberg (Lund University)
› Tomas Akenine-Möller (Lund University)
› Jacob Ström (Ericsson Research)
- Efficient Depth Buffer Compression [ pdf ]
› Jon Hasselgren (Lund University)
› Tomas Akenine-Möller (Lund University)
- Compressed Lossless Texture Representation and Caching [ pdf ]
› Tetsugo Inada (University of Waterloo, Sony)
› Michael McCool (University of Waterloo, RapidMind)
11:45-13:30 Lunch Break
13:30-15:15 Paper Session: Realistic Rendering on GPUs (4
- Realistic Soft Shadows by Penumbra-Wedges Blending
[ pdf ]
› Vincent Forest (IRIT-UPS-CNRS)
› Loïc Barthe (IRIT-UPS-CNRS)
› Mathias Paulin (IRIT-UPS-CNRS)
- GPU-Accelerated Deep Shadow Maps for Direct Volume Rendering [ pdf ]
› Markus Hadwiger (VRVis Research Center)
› Andrea Kratz (VRVis Research Center)
› Christian Sigg (ETH Zurich)
› Katja Bühler (VRVis Research Center)
- Non-interleaved Deferred Shading of Interleaved Sample
› Benjamin Segovia (LIRIS University LYON I)
› Jean-Claude Iehl (LIRIS University LYON I)
› Richard Mitanchey (LASH - ENTPE)
› Bernard Péroche (LIRIS University LYON I)
- Quadtree Relief Mapping
› Mark Schroders (Eximion)
› Rob van Gulik (Eximion)
15:15-15:45 Coffee Break
15:45-16:45 Hot3D presentations 2 and 3
- The NVIDIA Quadro Plex Visual Computing System
› Mark Harris, Ian Williams, NVIDIA
(abstract) [ pdf ]
- A Performance-Oriented Data Parallel Virtual Machine for GPUs
› Derek Gerstmann, ATI (abstract)
[ pdf ]
16:45-17:00 Best Paper presentation and closing
Presentation Template