| Comments to I (Papers)
- Better than usual.
- Great selection.
- Most papers are using graphics hardware, not about hardware itself.
| Comments to II (Hot3D)
- GF4 is old HW. All info on the web long ago.
- Worse than 2 years ago.
- We want demos! Don't let sponsors show their old marketing slides.
- Competitive issues limit how much information is provided.
- Please always get ATI / Nvidia to present here. I really
enjoyed having those guys at the conference.
| Comments to III (Proceedings)
- Colors would be nice.
- Terrible cover ! Please put images !
- Great layout, but many technical/font issues - need to
standardize better.
- Some printing problems could have been found from proofing.
- Glossy pape, much better than before. Put bigger + more
pictures on the cover. Like LaTex style but fix size.
- Liked the old ACM format a *lot* better. There were more images
on the cover (who cares about the EG logo anyways ?). And who
came up with that color scheme for the covers ? This is another
case of EG fixing something that wasn't broken.
| Comments to IV (Meeting Room and AV)
- Very well done -- good size and big screen.
| Comments to V (Publicity)
| Comments to VI (Web Page)
- Good, would prefer venu and program info a litter farther in
advance, but info very helpful ! Good Job.
- Updates were too late.
- Please update earlier.
- Bus schedules were weird/incorrect ? Could not decipher.
| Comments to VII (Organization)
- Enough time to meet people.
- Good scheduling.
| Comments to VIII (Review Process)
- I appreciate the comments; I do think we should cycle through
the reviewing committee a bit more, though.
- Outcome was delayed a couple of days.
- Seemed fine to me, but please put results out when say you will,
many days late.
| Comments to IX (Banquet)
- An extra trip, like in Interlaken 2000, would be a nice bonus,
but certainly not a must.
- Cool place, but really lasted a little too long (jet lag)
perhaps have earlier bus back ?
- Really great !
| Comments to X (Lunch and Breaks)
- Provide coffee at all times (esp. in the morning)
- Just right !
- Good snacks - good use of picking up time slack
| Further comments, suggestions, and questions
- Suggestions for new HW architectures (not just doing with HW)
would be interesting - those are rarely seen elsewhere.
Doing things with existing HW is OK, but I would like to hear
more ideas that propose small additions/modifications to the
current HW in order to do something really cool.
- Brings together industry (ATI, Nvidia, Matrox etc) and academics.
Small enough to meet everybody. Give preference to graphics hardware
proposals/implementations, but include applications of graphics
- Get John Carmack as a keynote speaker.
- Invite people from those areas to come share their perspective.
This is an academic conference, but other views from outside are
- Good job. I liked this, please find a way to fix the proceedings;
maybe submit Postscript?
- Concentrate on hardware itself, how it works, the algorithms etc.
Less on things like shading, that's for programmers.
- Next time there could be a "Hot wireless device graphics acceleration"
track for graphics hardware built for handheld devices. Our company
will contribute to that!
- Perhaps in addition to doing Hot3D you should have a "3D Hardware
Features Sketches" where ideas for hardware features could be brought
forward and discussed without the effort and rigor or a paper.
- It is frustrating that information can't flow from the 3D graphics
companies. Perhaps at least the information could flow the other way.
- An exchange of requirements from (game) application developers to us,
and ideas about future h/w from us to (game) developers might benefit
both parties. So maybe an "applications" track would bring both parties
closer together. Game developers could show where their problems with
current h/w lie, and how they've been able to coax their game effects
from the hardware.
- Keep a very high standard in the reviewing process and produce excellent
- Don't forget the *hardware* !
- Focusing on design and low-level applications of graphics hardware.
- Tutorials.
- Splitting the best-paper award in an application and a design of
hardware award.
- I think it presents a unique opportunity to seize an increasingly
important position. Stick to subjects you have in the past --
hardware design, implementation ,a nd doing cool things with h/w.
- Perhaps get in touch with developer relations at graphics hardware
companies to solicit papers/speakers ?
- Continue making it attractive to graphics hardware researchers.
Emphasize the *research* aspect of this workshop over the games
and console conferences. Emphasize how research presented here has
influenced the industry in the past!
- Better information distribution to presenters beforehand.